CEP Cybersecurity Issue

Cybersecurity is a concern for all businesses. Organizations from retail stores to financial institutions to healthcare providers must take measures to safeguard their computers and incorporate IT networks. Additionally, all companies that handle hazardous chemicals, such as chemical process industries (CPIs), must ensure the integrity of their industrial control systems (ICSs). One article in this issue explains a matrix-based risk-assessment approach to determining how much security is enough. Mr. McNamara was responsible for designing the cover for this magazine edition.

Cover created for an AIChE Publication on CEP Cybersecurity. 

Covid-19 Compendiums

A compilation of stories and insights in the PEI publications: Regulatory Compliance Watch, Private Equity International, Credit Union Leadership Convention, and Private CFOs during the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic.

Created for editorial work on Private Equity International coverage of the 2020 pandemic. 


Ultimate Guide To Travel Hacking

This E-guidebook designed by Mr. McNamara puts forth expert travel advice by Nomadic Matt in a 130 page digital platform. Visuals help convey how best to take money out of the travel equation for more affordable travel.

Mr. McNamara was responsible for the layout of this 130 page Ebook that can be digitally downloaded on NomadicMatt .

Teaching English Overseas

Mr. McNamara was responsible for the layout and design of the Teaching English Overseas E-book. While getting a teaching job might seem like a time-consuming and stressful process, it’s actually very easy once you know a few tips and tricks — even if you have never taught before. The design used an inviting and adventurous approach in its font style and color selections to enlist readers and potential teachers.

Infographics, Magazine Ads and Products

This section includes promotional material designed for clients such as the Riverdale Y, IAWatch conferences, Buyouts, Landmark Square, EME Group and PERE.